Many people believe in God with their hearts but somehow they have doubts in their minds. I want you to remember one thing ; the greatest weapon satan uses against us is our minds. Lets say for example you read your bible in (Hebrews 11:3 "It is by faith that we understand that the universe was greated by God's word"). And then you start to think about it, this is where the devil comes in, when you start to think about it he puts questions in your mind. You will think how can God create the universe by his word how is that possible? And now the devil will make you meditate on it. You will think about it over and over again. Remember that your mind believes everything you tell it, and believe all the lies that the devil has told you. Dear friend now i am giving you a four weeks challenge, i need you to believe that God exists and that he created the universe by his word. And the reason why God created the universe by his word is becaouse he wants us to have faith. It ...
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